- C#和VB.NET获得Windows Runtime支持和异步方法 http://t.co/7haPI4hL #reader
- Sync Framework打破了平台之间的屏障 http://t.co/2rdX6VfE #reader
- How to remove a view in your xml layout file using program? http://t.co/ZnHdryb1 #reader
- Python and Django on Heroku http://t.co/0EYWUfk7 #reader
- Windows运行时的设计细节 http://t.co/Fn2wendv #reader
- Part 134: Using a WebView for HTML5 apps http://t.co/SHbulUF7 #reader
- Android 201: How (and when) to clear app cache or data http://t.co/cJU6eENm #reader
- [教育訓練紀錄] Android 的 JNI 開發,排名第一名的誤用是? http://t.co/lfzFclMZ #reader
- Part 111: Using the accelerometer http://t.co/TARrsiw6 #reader
- Part 112: Using google maps p1: setup http://t.co/3JkSAKex #reader
- Part 114: Using google maps p3: adding an overlay http://t.co/sJAtksGs #reader
- Part 113: Using google maps p2: Pan and zoom http://t.co/wecGgFM4 #reader
- Creating a Serial to USB driver using the Android USB-Host API http://t.co/INO4Iwtq #reader
- Part 121: Widgets p5: Config Activity http://t.co/0R3RHsSD #reader
- Part 120: XML SAX parsing in Android http://t.co/25ekafl2 #reader
- Part 122: SurfaceView for 2D graphics http://t.co/8bz2UzWw #reader
- Part 123: Text-To-Speech http://t.co/u126ribU #reader
- 繪製 Mandelbrot Set 的小程式 http://t.co/HIshYcyE #reader
- Part 124: Using the AudioManager to control volume http://t.co/UNbhpf7c #reader
- Part 126: Using speech recognition http://t.co/BYdZeaXQ #reader
- Part 125: Using a SeekBar http://t.co/z79b83Zj #reader
- Admob的另一個選擇︰Vpon http://t.co/wlnLrpzM #reader
- 用Terminal連線到亞馬遜伺服器EC2 http://t.co/LYnmgunh #reader
- 如何安裝Tomcat至Amazon EC2 http://t.co/fFAHPjFX #reader
- 透過Terminal安裝JDK6至Amazon EC2 http://t.co/y1vnGWGb #reader
- Leveldb 编译错误背后的C++标准变化 http://t.co/dfDdwM16 #reader
- Part 133: Writing a View to a Bitmap http://t.co/UvQ6HY3H #reader
- I'm at 傳奇茶坊-興南店 (Jhonghe District) http://t.co/cuaJ2i8s
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2012年2月20日 星期一
張貼留言 (Atom)
看到 xsv,想說會不會有 awesome csv 這種整理操作 csv 工具的文件,結果還真的有。 https://t.co/brud2UsEJh
14个漂亮的导航jQuery插件 http://t.co/KZoQVtpH #reader 使用ORM Profiler分析数据访问性能 http://t.co/lOtWcLAU #reader Vim Text Objects : The Definitive Guide ...
RT @tangblack: 项目轻量级部署神器:Fabric > https://t.co/0YHZfKeX41 在 terminal 顯示圖片的程式,居然是用 bash 寫的! 使用上需要設定 TERM ,才能正確顯示。 hackerb9/lsix https://t....
RT @KeyCDN: The Pros and Cons of 8 Popular Databases https://t.co/1CZGRNxI23 #webdev RT @wanquribao: 【Medium 的 CSS 写得真他妈的好】本文作者是前端开发框架Boots...