- RT @DepressedDarth: Happy Star Wars Day https://t.co/6mDeZQ8jro
- RT @ronnywang: 使用 UNIX 系統時要慎用原力,千萬不可在未經思考情況下濫用,例如 rm --force 、git push --force 。以免一時不察發生無法還原的錯誤,進而墜入 darkside
- RT @ppcelery: https://t.co/6avrd7bTxE 可怕,纯文本的地图,输入 ``telnet mapscii.me`` 即可体验,a、z 缩放,上下左右移动 https://t.co/L5F2DR7Uy3
- RT @akane_lee: 報稅系統介面被罵翻的背後... 我剛畢業的第一份正職在「專門接政府單位標案」的資訊公司上班,經手過 22 間公家單位的系統,不敢說瞭若指掌,起碼這大坑也摔進去過。有些心得可以分享。 https://t.co/MJ9m7C8YCD
- RT @kosamari: HTTP what? : I drew what HTTP is & how HTTP1.x and HTTP2 are different✨ (tweetzine, drawsplainer, codedoodles…I don't know w…
- bliki: StranglerApplication https://t.co/0qezooqtNC
- RT @KeyCDN: #Scalability Testing – a How-To Guide and Checklist https://t.co/JMZtzPkzgo #webperf
- RT @fullstackpython: How to Send SMS Text Messages with AWS Lambda and Python 3.6 https://t.co/HCQQQHF5Kh
- RT @golangweekly: Kurly: An Alternative to 'curl' But Written in Go - https://t.co/dJ1lvgedv4
- RT @importpython: How to Turn a Web App Into a Desktop App, Using Ch... https://t.co/ziKfIkOXbH #sofi #python
- RT @importpython: All you need to know about prefetching in Django - By ... https://t.co/ethxUx34tR
- RT @importpython: Grok the GIL: Write Fast and Thread-Safe Python https://t.co/j0X5oPp7tP #cpython #gil #python #Guido
- RT @importpython: Asyncio Coroutine Patterns: Beyond await https://t.co/1dHNNc4uMo
- RT @importpython: Checklist to build great Celery async tasks https://t.co/pqTRJb05U4 #monitoring
- RT @commandlinefu: https://t.co/o45cShRb7P - convert video to gif by ffmpeg and imagemagick (unixmonkey45614)
- RT @x0rz: Open-source 50$ Raspberry Pi phone https://t.co/oIPBEoQMGf
2017年5月5日 星期五
張貼留言 (Atom)
看到 xsv,想說會不會有 awesome csv 這種整理操作 csv 工具的文件,結果還真的有。 https://t.co/brud2UsEJh
14个漂亮的导航jQuery插件 http://t.co/KZoQVtpH #reader 使用ORM Profiler分析数据访问性能 http://t.co/lOtWcLAU #reader Vim Text Objects : The Definitive Guide ...
XssPy is a python tool for finding Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities in websites. https://t.co/vDGWIII3yU 2016-07-06 跨牆工程師的中國 infra 小指南 @...
RT @tangblack: 项目轻量级部署神器:Fabric > https://t.co/0YHZfKeX41 在 terminal 顯示圖片的程式,居然是用 bash 寫的! 使用上需要設定 TERM ,才能正確顯示。 hackerb9/lsix https://t....