- Pandas 101: Indexing – Towards Data Science https://t.co/uVNB8NwnkK
- RT @fullstackpython: Tips for working with multiple settings.py files in Django https://t.co/1m2xKyA1SM https://t.co/TYopNBz39o
- RT @golangweekly: Write a Kubernetes-Ready Service From Zero Step-by-Step: https://t.co/krbo3IAOD6
- RT @OctopusGarden11: https://t.co/WnL2BJ0kTL
- RT @superbil: [好奇] 別管迪士尼併購福斯了,網路都要大地震啦!美政府今宣布將取消「網路中立性」規範! | Geek-Base - 玩具人Toy People News https://t.co/V53TCPjERE
- RT @lizrice: Nice dive into gRPC in #golang by @pieterlouw (via @golangweekly) https://t.co/diM2goN9hc
- RT @golangweekly: Writing an Interactive Message Bot for Slack in Go: https://t.co/qtRB0alFUH (I, for one, enthusiastically accept our new…
- a private/caching npm repository server rlidwka/sinopia https://t.co/087yYbUMuG
- RT @nixcraft: FreeBSD ZFS Tuning Guide https://t.co/Xk0deDyT9E #sysadmin #unix #goodreads
- TradingGym is a toolkit for training and backtesting the reinforcement learning algorithms. Yvictor/TradingGym https://t.co/QGHx0aoIJu
- RT @angelachatte: “人們不是對酒或毒品上癮,他們是對逃避現實上癮。”
- RT @Will_Huang: I just downloaded The JWT Handbook 📖 by @auth0. Everything you wanted to know about JWTs in one place. Check it out! https:…
- RT @3_3llll: @PandaChou6969 來~ https://t.co/o9OYl8x9Ac
- RT @xudooo: 小区新开了家面馆,老板的女儿是个漂亮的妹纸。近几天我一直带小侄去吃,每次故意不是加个卤蛋就是加个鸡腿,以留下印象好搭讪。 今天和小侄又去,妹纸见我就问:今天加鸡腿还是卤蛋? 我暗喜,心想小套路奏效了,妹纸记得我了。 身边的小侄一脸嫌弃的看着我,回道:今天…
- Adjusting Linux Kernel Parameters with Docker Compose - via @codeship https://t.co/ezeVjcBJPF
- 台北馬拉松 @ 臺北市政府 Taipei City Hall https://t.co/ibeIgHu3ej
2017年12月17日 星期日
張貼留言 (Atom)
看到 xsv,想說會不會有 awesome csv 這種整理操作 csv 工具的文件,結果還真的有。 https://t.co/brud2UsEJh
14个漂亮的导航jQuery插件 http://t.co/KZoQVtpH #reader 使用ORM Profiler分析数据访问性能 http://t.co/lOtWcLAU #reader Vim Text Objects : The Definitive Guide ...
XssPy is a python tool for finding Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities in websites. https://t.co/vDGWIII3yU 2016-07-06 跨牆工程師的中國 infra 小指南 @...
RT @tangblack: 项目轻量级部署神器:Fabric > https://t.co/0YHZfKeX41 在 terminal 顯示圖片的程式,居然是用 bash 寫的! 使用上需要設定 TERM ,才能正確顯示。 hackerb9/lsix https://t....